- info: Display system information
- version: Display system version
- login: Log in to a Docker registry
-u <username>
-p <password>
- push
<registry username>/<image name>:<tag>
: Push an image to a registry - pull
[image Name]
: Pull an image from a registry - run
[image Name]
: Run a container
: Detached mode-p
: host_port:container_port image_name
- start
[container Name]
: Start stopped containers - ps: List running containers
: List all containers (running and stopped)
- stop
[container Name]
: Stop a container - kill
[container Name]
: Kill a container - image inspect
[image name]
: Get image info - rm
[container name]
: Remove a stopped container - rm $(docker ps -a -q): Remove all stopped containers
- rmi
[Image Name]
: Delete an image - system prune -a: Remove all images not in use by any containers
- container exec -it
[container name]
--bash: Attach a bash shell to a running container - images: List all images pulled
- build: Build an image using a Dockerfile
-t [name:tag]
-f [file name]
: Specify Dockerfile location
- tag
[image name] [name:tag]
: Tag an existing image - create volume
[volume name]
: Create a new volume
- volume
- ls: List volumes
- inspect
[volume name]
: Display volume info - rm
[volume name]
: Delete a volume - prune: Delete all unused volumes
# Use an official Node.js runtime as the base image
FROM node:14
# Set the working directory in the container
# Copy package.json and package-lock.json
COPY package*.json ./
# Install dependencies
RUN npm install
# Copy the rest of the application code
COPY . .
# Expose port 8080
# Specify the user to run the container as
USER node
# Define the command to run the application
CMD ["npm", "start"]