Youssef Samir

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Discover PostgreSQL, a powerful, open-source object-relational database system known for its reliability and feature set.

Connecting to PostgreSQL

  • Connect to a PostgreSQL database:

psql -U username -d database_name
  • Connect as a different user and specify a database:
    psql -U username -d database_name -h hostname -p port

Managing Databases

  • List all databases:
  • Create a new database:
    CREATE DATABASE database_name;
  • Drop a database:
    DROP DATABASE database_name;
  • Connect to a database:
    \c database_name

Managing Tables

  • List all tables in the current database:
  • Describe the structure of a table:
    \d table_name
  • Drop a table:
    DROP TABLE table_name;

Managing Users

  • List all users/roles:
  • Create a new user:
    CREATE USER username WITH PASSWORD 'password';
  • Grant privileges to a user:
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE database_name TO username;
  • Drop a user:
    DROP USER username;

Miscellaneous Commands

  • Show current database and user:
  • Show PostgreSQL version:
  • Exit the PostgreSQL terminal:
  • Show available commands:
  • Show help on a specific command:
    \h command_name
  • Run a SQL script file:
    \i /path/to/script.sql